the Method


Get ready to change your life, one step at a time.

Imagine you're about to put on a pair of glasses.

You pick them up and put them on ...

But you can't see clearly because they're all smudged.

It's as if someone has wiped vaseline all over them.

When you look through them everything is blurry.

That's how life can be as an adult.

Over the years ...

You experience things.

Go through challenges.

And eventually get weighed down.

It gets to a point where you don't really see where you're going.

You get through every day.

Yes you do things.

Fun things even.

But when it comes to the bigger picture of your life, you can't see clearly anymore ...

Your vision has become blurry.

You don't know exactly when, but life isn't fulfilling anymore.

You're busy, you're doing things, but you don't have that inner joy.

It doesn't have to be like that.

As Abraham Maslow said, take care of the basics and you'll be flying again.

Okay, he may not have said those exact words, but that's the essence of his message and his well-known pyramid of life needs.

I've taken the best of all the coaching know-how I've researched, trained in and personally experienced, and distilled it into the Method.

the Method is a coaching programme based on a list of 100-Statements that directly relate to Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs.

Completing this programme wipes away the smudges that are stopping you from making progress in life.

Inside this programme, you'll find a list of statements that cover 5 key areas of life - your environment, your wealth, your relationships, your wellbeing and your spiritual life.

When I say spiritual life, it has nothing to do with religion or any type of faith. It is simply the things that can't be measured in a science lab.

Things like gratitude - you can't measure gratitude in miles, metres or kilometres, but you can definitely feel its effect.

Those are the 5 areas you will work through.

Simply answer yes or no to 100 Statements of Truth.

It's common to score between 40 and 60.

It doesn't matter where you start, it's just a marker from where to make progress. And make progress you will.

Some statements will be easy to answer with a yes, others will take some work.

Keep going, one statement at a time. Each time your score climbs, so will your self-confidence, sense of inner peace and the number of opportunities that open up to you.

Once you get to 90+ you'll feel like you're flying.

As part of this programme, you get to speak 1:1 with me.

You can schedule your call at the start to make a game plan going forward. Or you can book your call when you get to those statements that you want more support with.

I look forward to working with you.

Once you purchase, you'll receive:

  1. An Instruction Manual (PDF) explaining the whole process

  2. The complete list of the Method 100 statements (PDF)

  3. A Resource Guide (PDF) providing more detail and guidance about each statement.

  4. A link to book your call with me

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